Sunday, October 19, 2008

Friends in Ohio

We moved into a ward where each of the kids have 6-10 kids their age to do things with which is incredible. They have had instant friends. We have loved one family especially - they are the ones that hooked us up with all the right people to be able to move to Centerville. Kenzi and her 2 friends are here bathing the dog in my bathtub. Okay, that was a big mistake! I had hair 2 feet up the wall in the entire bathroom. I'm really not liking the indoor dog thing! Boyce and I have so many friends here because everyone is overly friendly. We have 10 doctors in our ward now, and 7 of them are residents or barely attendings, so they totally understand the family life of a resident - little money and little time to do anything with family and a butt-load of student loans - uggh! We basically have a resident wife support group which includes working out, volleyball, or lunch! (I tend to do be doing more eating out than working out though.)


Lynita said...

I am so glad that you have a great ward, it helps a ton when you are far from family! I love the dog in the bath, although I would not love the clean up! So is he a total indoor dog, or a bit of both?

Grant & Christine Clark said...

I'm so glad you hav a great ward. We still think of you and wish you were back in So Cal but very glad you are happy with your ward! Love you!
Christine Clark